Monday, June 28, 2010

a dreamer's dream

my head at night, late at night
not the same as in the day
not the same in any way
somewhat eerie but not a fright
consistently contemptible
but occasionally a delight

it seems that I
have lost my head
it last was seen
out in the bed
among the flowers
unusually red
though in between
there was some green

essentially important
it is to find
I seem to be
a bit behind
I am blind
oh - some caffein
in my head unseen

I cannot divine
where my finest might've gone
it was in the garden
comfortable at dawn
sniffing incessantly
and digging the lawn
this whimsical scene
reminds of a fabled halloween

after all of my effort
I thought it be wise
to give it a try
to open mine eyes
and in more than a moment
I was made to realize
that in my day, in between
I must have dwindled in to a dream

so it wasn't at all
my head gone adrift
twas my mind with no time
that flew away swift
to daydream indeed
is a glorious gift
and a dream pristine
is any dreamer's dream.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

flying fish, flightless birds

laughter is like few other experiences
my memory experiences decay
decay is so full of life, in a way
life is like a dream
dreams are like decay.

when things go wrong
things have been better before
are decaying dreams better
than decaying life?
life is not what we made it for.

birds singing in the middle of the night
fits like birds without feet or birds without flight
flying does not fit in the ocean
one reason why flying fish does not make sense
reason is like mind motion.

the mind is like laughter
because laughter requires memory
and memory is just another isle
an isle in the store of my life
life is like dreams with more time and less style.

Frank and She

She was sick, or so said She
She wanted inside the door, you see

Frank was inside, or so I suppose
for She banged on the door, and bellowed her prose

I was inside, as She wanted to be
but in the next flat, at quarter to three

of this melodrama I watched every second
like watching television, from a small hole I reckon

so simple it was what She did roar
so sick was She as I did say, and this affair she could not afford

next She did mention She might lose her job
yet from Frank on the other side I heard not a sob

twas late in the night and in bed all were bound
nonetheless this lady termed She was not shy with her sound

this hassle lasted for hours or so it did seem
and I am absolutely positive it was not a dream

yet for every inch of my attention I cannot make this story valid
for I left my station and wrote this ballad

therefore with apologies I know not a fact of the finish of this story of She
but I do know for certainty a fool would She be if reached in her pocket and found her - her key

Sunday, June 20, 2010

to be free

to be free to not be
and to not be
....we cannot perceive
too many lords life have we

the freest we could be
- if you could believe -
to be enslaved willingly

to have as master
....only one
and by freest possiblilty be treated as his son
to believe with all ability
....then freest freedom we have won

Sunday, June 13, 2010

a murderer

a murderer
changing his mind
is like heavy sunshine
in the fresh
still cool

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

death to me

death to me
......and time goes on
a symphony
......with time's great yawn
wooden floors
......and plastic ceilings
none will last
......without His healing
death to me in the letters
life to me
......infinitely better

the geese at dawn to stay

all the geese are gone
the mall is open
the music is playing
in the field
the sun is glowing
everything is set
like a date
but the geese are gone
and I can't wait

Monday, June 7, 2010

shorter still

a love that I-
cannot have
our heads cannot agree-
on abstract things
of mind and heart
and heaven's divinity

Saturday, June 5, 2010


a love that I-
cannot have
our heads cannot agree-
on abstract things
of mind and heart
and heaven's divinity

things to be seen
and felt or smelt
are easy as a dream

but there's no guarantee
or point to plea
on the holy trinity

above or below
the passings
of the soul
to and fro
like kin without blood
still I love and still I go

Thursday, June 3, 2010



Tuesday, June 1, 2010


a fire eternal in days of old
the skies are for gods and heroes bold
illume our sudden days - ease our sheer ways
flourish our grounds - nourish our bowls

I've seen men cry and crumple dry and die
wars of freedom gained but a sigh
monsters alive not the shadows but high
they're in disguise their words the sky

this ancient light has lost - bloodlessly dead
true only in our electric heads
not meant to fall this far this falling star
lit up till death - his radiance still red


hunger, satisfaction - different beasts
....belly and head - can't agree
who is in control - who can win?
....(who truly - wants to begin?)
from birth we've been overpowered
....till death we'll be outnumbered
this death may be welcome those who fight
this death is most feared who haven't fought