Sunday, January 15, 2012

Memories of the Morning, New Jersey

The young girl in a note to me "You're so sweet
you're a girl." We both knew it was a complement.

The man opened the door for me
but I continued to the second door,
which I always use and I hoped
that he did not take it personally.

Before all of this
I was at my brother's two story home
It must have been Thanksgiving
and it was Morning
He called his wife downstairs
and invited her outside to see the
wild deer and horses running together
Two or three of the deer were completely
spring green and healthy, and one horse was
an indescribable red and it was vibrant
I see this from inside of the house
looking out of the window,
like a movie.

My last memory being at the supermarket
where I spent nearly a week's wages
and wearing my faded canary yellow New
Jersey shirt ('Casa Comida' in green,
'Mexican Restaurant
Wall, N.J.'
in black and supporting a colorful
parrot of red, orange, and blue, all
Mexican colors, but with NJ style)
The man with round, black sunglasses
in the next aisle, closer to the door,
asked if I was from Jersey, then asked if 
I had just visited, then said I should go
and that it was nothing like that
reality TV show. His wife agreed,
said something, and then they left.
My cashier said something about it
(NJ) being a giant landfill, but I think
that was meant to be perceived
as a joke. But I did not really 
perceive it as anything at all.

As far as the note, I cannot remember
what kind of note it was, or what the
meaning of it was, only the end. Whether
it was hand-written, or typed, or long or short,
all I remember is "You're so sweet
you're a girl." And we were both very happy.

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