Wednesday, November 27, 2019

If I knew what I was doing, do you think I’d be doing this?

If I knew what I was doing, do you think I’d be doing this?

It’s not rhetorical. If I knew what I was doing
I wouldn’t be asking. It’s a good question
for folks who have more questions than confidence

be still or be strong
be still and be strong
you pick

I catch the light and I feel it
it stops there
sure I occasionally share it
but that’s often incidental

meet me three years ago
I’m glad you remember
it helps me remember

in the streets (walking)
it’s so different 
it’s a world different

I’ve exiled myself
I don’t know from who or what or why
but sometimes it feels good

I wash my hands of it
it’s all dependent of the angle
and the angle is always changing

I think we could all (mostly) agree
it would help if I rhymed some
it’s not that I’m numb, I’m just not free

are any of us? - and from whom? -
[from ourselves, of course]
the lying tomb we cannot divorce 

PAUSE    I am a ghetto
ME: starring me - leaking. stinky. silly vapors
sleeping on my own crumbled newspaper manifesto-less manifestos

it happens every day
I forgot my lipstick!
I sometimes incorporate lipstick!
just because it’s a positive word to say

in those songs you wrote
it doesn’t matter what you think
just what you feel
stars. sequins. kangaroos. [lipstick.]

Those songs you wrote

I can feel myself inside of them. It feels like where I want to be. The spirits might contribute. But you always walk me back to my hotel. Why? I stare until I realize that I’m staring, and then - when the time comes - I can’t look at you. Even though it [I] still feel good. I cease to know the feeling unless I’m feeling the feeling, and then I remember the feeling as I’m feeling it, therefor: I’m doubly feeling the feeling. Again: it could be the spirits; but it’s definitely not just the spirits. It’s the spirits that connect us. Even when I’m not me. That transcendental feeling. Identification required. 

Friday, July 26, 2019

To Whose Destiny Are We Being Summoned

have you ever felt like a bloom?
I often feel like a stem
acknowledging the presence of the breeze
of the suspicious air conditioning
I am the stick (perhaps
I use to be a stem)
plunged into 
I am not conferred;
a symbiotic relationship:
I hold a plant clip [which - 
mind you - was never a stick,
stamen, or stem, but plastic]
[this is not my Purpose]
next to the stem
to statuesquely support it's apparent stature
[but in all honesty
in the hypothetical hierarchy
of the overall prevalence of this particular plant
(including its beautiful,
obnoxious blooms) 
which is higher:
me, or the plant clips?]

[this is how I feel]

and its blooms
on a good day
I forget myself
I just look up
and breathe
either way, I breathe
just like renting a room