Saturday, March 6, 2010

time vs batteries

time heals all wounds
but it kills batteries
new wounds heal the old ones
time just gives cavities
time heals all wounds
tell that to your batteries

Monday, March 1, 2010

to be whole

take the poison, no not out of my veins
I'll be okay, if it remains
take the venom, not off of my tongue
it has been there, since before I was young
look past the malice, that shines in my eyes
this neither, is the burden of my cries
leave the hatred, that boils even in my finger tips
just a little love, can easily overcome this
pass over the pride, that starts at my toes and reaches my skull
it is there, I know, therefore I try to drive it dull
forget the greed that tightens my jaw
ignore the mind that aids me to easily fall
my soul, is my soul - as you well know
these subsidiary stains would suffocate, if this cancer were cut from my soul
it has been there forever, and never have I ever felt whole.

to be

to be a-lone - by - my - self
time I enjoy - by - my - self
to dream I think - and think I dream
to be a dream - of some one else
to be a dream - a - dream - it - self
can't be a spring - without a summer
can't be a spring - without a winter
can't learn to fail - without a fall
to dream to fall - we don't often do
from a fall - we learn what we do
the sun - and - the moon
at the same time - at the right time
we know where they're going - we know where they've been
we know where they're going - not like it use to be
the world is round now - not like it use to be
just fine the way it is - as it was the way it was
it is fine to be - they way you are
to be better - is always near or always far
it is or it's not - as simple as push or pull
get a smaller glass
and it won't be half empty - or half full
I want to - I - really - do
no - not whatever you want me to do
I want you to do - whatever you want to do
and for you to be happy - with whatever I want to do
and then I will do - whatever you want me to do
it is not about me - it's about you
for me - but for you - no not about you
for me but for you - no not about you
but it is - you see?
don't you see - don't you see?
I do hope - that you see
and then you can be - whatever you will be
and see not - what you want to see
but see - what you see
the world is not flat - and a fall is not a fall
if the glass in your head - fits the draw